The Flexibility You Need
Integrated payables are the unique payment mix that works best for you and your suppliers. This cannot be a cookie cutter approach since every business relationship and their trade terms will vary. Using integrated payables modalities such as virtual card and ACH help rid the AP process of manual work and substitute it for time efficient and effective work.
Saving the environment, the hassle, and your valuable time, integrated payables is a no brainer - especially because virtual payments cost you nothing. In fact, businesses can generate a new revenue stream through rebates on virtual card payments. This turns your AP cost center into a revenue center!

QuickBooks Enterprise User?
Export Payment Data in a breeze with direct integration.

In the fast-paced world of business, every minute counts. When it comes to managing accounts payable, time-consuming processes can hinder efficiency and productivity. Singe Payables understands this precise pain point in AP, and is one of the key reasons for the business- saving your department’s time and money.
In a remarkable collaboration, Singe Payables and Datisfy have joined forces to address a long-standing challenge in the accounting digital space - the seamless export of payment data from QuickBooks®. This partnership marks a significant milestone in simplifying and enhancing the accounts payable process for businesses of all sizes that utilize the accounting program QuickBooks Enterprise®
Enroll in the Singe Payables Personal Plan and learn how many of your suppliers are already accepting virtual card payments. Plus, with our new capabilities, automatically export the data on a recurring schedule and send virtual card payment with complete automation.

Technology is evolving, are you keeping up?
What Are Integrated Payables?
Integrated payables are known by a multitude of names: Virtual Payments, ePayables, Consolidated Payables, etc. No matter what you call them, they are a safe and secure way to complete all types of payments in a single file . Integrated Payables is the term for the combination of different payments such as ACH, check, virtual card, and push payments. Instead of sending out and completing individual processes for each method of payment, integrated payables put them all together to be as simple and stress-free as possible.
Not Sure How It Would Work For You?
Every business is different, and everyone's payments will also vary. That is why integrated payables is so unique! It is not a cookie cutter approach, but specific to each business's suppliers. We just want to ensure optimal satisfaction for each supplier, many of which are already accepting virtual payments!
How Does It Work?
Singe starts by ensuring your success with our Supplier Analysis Process. We run your supplier list to against our compiled data to see which of your suppliers are currently receiving virtual payments from other clients. We then can estimate a high and low estimate for your rebate, which doesn't include the money gained from the efficiecies this process brings to your team. After hearing our Supplier Analysis Process, you can decide if this is the correct next ste for your business and get started.
(and it will never cost you a dime to use us for your virtual card payments).
Save time
Streamline your payment process to pay your vendors in one secure payment file.
Better control
You have more control for when exactly you want the payments to leave your account.
Send payments with added layers of security when using a single use 16 digit code, unique for every transaction.
You get a percentage back to put towards your business with every virtual card transaction, turning your AP department into an AR generator.
How Do I Start?
Interested in seeing how you can streamline your accounts payables process? Contact us here and Singe Payables can do a free consultation to analyze how to optimize your payments.
Technology is continuing to evolve, don't let your payments hold you back from growth!